Finalmente, depois de anos de casamento e de envolvê-lo pouco a pouco, deixei meu marido enjaulado e me vendo adorar uma BBC bem na frente de seu rosto.  Não vou mentir, o poder que obtive ao definir isso e levá-lo a esse ponto me excitou MUITO. Nossa

Finalmente, depois de anos de casamento e de envolvê-lo pouco a pouco, deixei meu marido enjaulado e me vendo adorar uma BBC bem na frente de seu rosto. Não vou mentir, o poder que obtive ao definir isso e levá-lo a esse ponto me excitou MUITO. Nossa

#corno #bbc (pau grande negro) #borda #marido #assistindo #finalmente #adoração #enjaulada #casamento #ponto #poder @cumulonimbus
88 4
55k Visualizações
  • Anonymous: My wife is like you and I love her for that. Since our marriage she got pregnant by 3 different black men right in front of my eyes. She is now a mother of three, all dark skinned, and we tell everyone they are adopted. I like the idea that the genes of my wife and of those 3 black men will live on and mine are going to die out...
    ha 2 meses
  • Anonymous: Ya'll this is set up. Hubs is either a true cuckold and gets off on the humiliation or that is not her husband. She's a pornstar. Everything done was done so with consent. Still hot to see her worship that bbc tho
    ha 2 meses
  • Balls: You're a fucked up human being. Like, there's really no words to describe how horrible of a Person would do this right in front of her husband and brag about how you manipulated him Into watching something that is absolutely destroying him and ripping his insides out while you're enjoying yourself, You absolute disgusting pos.
    ha 8 meses
  • No: You're a terrible human being, kind of a horrible wife, kind of an horrible fucking person period.
    ha 8 meses 1 gosta